filmstills: using art from Stacey Rozik
Die kalte Jahreszeit weckt in mir die unbändige Lust nach warmen Norwegerpullis, Kardamom, Kaffee und langen Spaziergängen, dem eisigen Wind trotzend. Wohl auch, um die düsteren Dämonen zu vertreiben, die da draussen in der Dunkelheit lauern. Ein wunderbares Musikvideo (Sean Pecknold) haben die Fleet Foxes dazu gedreht. Die Figuren erinnern mich an die verschiedenen Masken in den Bergen, beispielsweise die Silvesterchläuse im Appenzeller Land. Wünsch euch einen schönen Abend.
The cold season totally gets me in the mood for warm Norwegian style jumpers, cardamom, coffee and long walks, defying the icy wind. Probably also to banish the dark demons, lurking out there in the darkness. A wonderful music video (Sean Pecknold) was made for the Fleet Floxes. The figures remind me of the different masks in the Swiss mountains, for example the Silvesterchläuse ("New Years Eve Santa Clauses") in Appenzell. Wishing you a lovely evening.
The cold season totally gets me in the mood for warm Norwegian style jumpers, cardamom, coffee and long walks, defying the icy wind. Probably also to banish the dark demons, lurking out there in the darkness. A wonderful music video (Sean Pecknold) was made for the Fleet Floxes. The figures remind me of the different masks in the Swiss mountains, for example the Silvesterchläuse ("New Years Eve Santa Clauses") in Appenzell. Wishing you a lovely evening.
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